Who we are

The Casa do Doce Fruit Cooky Project emerged from a bottleneck in the fruit growing chain in the north of Minas Gerais, and in the southwest region of Bahia, in the city of Bom Jesus da Lapa. There are irrigated perimeters in these places, which are managed by CODEVASF – Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Vale do São Francisco, Ministry of Regional Integration, and studies carried out by the company Linha Direta Consultoria & Negócios in 2005, showed a loss index with the production areas of 25 to 28%, in view of the rapid ripening of the fruits, which were “discarded” turning into a fertilizer, often not used.

In 2005, through the Projeto Amanhã Program, Codevasf began to encourage small transformations, working together with the children of settlers in small units in the areas mentioned above. In this way, seven small transformation units emerged, one in the Jaiba Project, two in the Gorutuba Project, three in the Irrigated Perimeter of Formoso (Bom Jesus da Lapa), and each transformation unit would have the capacity to produce 5 tons of sweets/month.

These companies, with the technical support of LD Consultoria, developed a methodology provided by ITAL – Instituto Tecnológico de Alimentos- Campinas-SP, which aims to standardize the production of all transformation units, and would have in its production an approximate volume of 35 tons of candy per month to be offered on the national market.

For 6 years Casa do Doce Fruit Cooky has been producing high quality Fruit Jams and Jams with producers from the São Francisco Valley working in Family Farming Cooperatives as suppliers.

Casa do Doce Fruit Cooky is today one of the companies in the North of Minas Gerais considered to be pioneers in the area of fruit sweets from the São Francisco Valley, with a high quality product aimed at the international market. Northern Minas Gerais is the largest fruit producer in Latin America, guaranteeing a very high production potential, and our company has the privilege of benefiting from this.

The high quality of Casa do Doce Fruit Cooky products has allowed its products to grow in food chains nationwide.It is important to emphasize the presence of technicians during the production processes, which has contributed a lot to the standardization of products.




Sell fruit sweets produced in the North of Minas Gerais with a high quality standard.


Casa do Doce Fruit Cooky intends to be among the best, most remembered and respected companies in its segment.


Seek constant improvement and quality of its products, logistics and customer service